Make your words matter

We help you captivate, inspire and guide your audience.

Ready to become the speaker you strive to be?

Wondering what is Memantia ?

Wondering what is Memantia ?

Your Speaking's next chapter starts now

How stressed out, unconfident and nervous did you feel the last time you spoke in public?

Many people felt like navigating a raging storm. Only a few did brave the storm.

At Memantia, we imagine a world where the vast majority of people overcome their fear of speaking in public, captivate and engage their audience when they speak, and end their day proud of their achievements.

To craft this world, compass in hand, we have skillfully united 2 distinct arts giving rise to the Memantia method:

Leadership and Public Speaking.

Through this fusion, we help speakers, executives, business leaders and experts rally their audiences by sculpting a captivating, inspiring and engaging speech.

Do you aspire to become a captivating speaker?

Memantia Concept

Traditional public speaking companies offer tips to help improve your speaking skills (body language, vocal delivery, rhetorics).

We refer to it as providing a vehicle. But a vehicle is not an end in itself, it’s merely a means to reach a destination.

Therefore, Memantia delves much deeper and focuses on the where. Our focus isn’t just public speaking, we honor navigational speaking: this distinguishes us profoundly.

The name “Memantia” blends 2 essential words: memorable & inertia. As a speaker, being memorable (vehicle) is necessary and creating inertia (destination) – or movement – is absolutely fundamental. It involves crafting a path for your audience to follow, each time you speak. To achieve this, you must become a navigator possessing a unique instrument: a compass. A compass. Let me write it again: a compass. Hold it tight, no matter the storm, fierce winds or other challenges. A compass points the way, it provides the direction and pushes you to ask yourself:

Where am I guiding my audience to?

Our workshops to elevate your Speaking

What are Memantia workshops like?

This isn’t another ordinary lecture on public speaking. For both individual and group trainings, we help you craft speeches… the most compelling, impactful and engaging way.

Master your personal story to be unforgettable

Transform your speech, introduce leadership

Learn only the best of public speaking skills

Click “Embark” button below, and let’s start!

Our Service

For Speakers

Starts at 3000CHF

Embarking on our personalized Memantia journey involves at least 10 hours of dedicated training. You’ll gain the tools to create a profound impact and effectively convey your ideas and values. You’ll elevate from an average speaker who merely informs to an outstanding one who truly inspire.

3 more things:

Transform your fears into strengths

Dramatically increase your charisma & self-confidence

Leave an inspiring and memorable impression

For Directors & Team Leads

Starts at 3000CHF

Embarking on our personalized Memantia journey involves at least 10 hours of dedicated training. You’ll amass the tools to inspire your team and create the undying determination to pursue goals. You’ll elevate from average leader who barely engages to an inspirational one capable of creating absolute devotion among the team.

3 more things:

Lead your team to be engaged and dedicated

Instill enduring energy within your team members

Achieve team goals and improve your results

What we expect from you


At Memantia, we stand for Excellence.

Because public speaking is a honor and it is our duty to honor our audience by delivering nothing but our best. Our absolute best. The kind that makes the audience think: This speaker is absolutely exceptional!

How do you elevate your speaking performance?


At Memantia, we stand for Leadership.

Because your audience needs to be guided. Compass in hand, you lead them to your goal, the destination, their destination. You help them pursue the destination, despite the raging storms: you keep the ship afloat !

How do you help, guide and enhance your audience?



At Memantia, we stand for Courage.

Because stepping outside our comfort zone paves the way for extraordinary achievements.  Eminent speakers share a common trait: they embrace challenges and convert their nervousness and shyness into… their strength.

How do you convert your struggles into strengths?

What they say


I contacted Louis to help me for an important speech. Huge success. He took away my fears, shyness and nervousness and they became my assets to create a great speech. More importantly, I discovered how crucial it is to guide and lead our audience. Very empowering !

Anastasiya Kovalova
District Manager
Kirchhoff Mobility

Contact Us

Need help?

Louis Becker
Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Email Address

Phone Number
+41 79 552 01 64

Own the conversation

Don’t be shy. We always have 5 minutes.